Easter Vigil Mass: Celebrating the Resurrection

February 18, 2024
6 min
As the academic year neared its end, our Catholic Society came together to celebrate the most important event in the Christian calendar – Easter.

Easter Vigil Mass: Celebrating the Resurrection

As the academic year neared its end, our Catholic Society came together to celebrate the most important event in the Christian calendar – Easter. The Easter Vigil Mass, held on Holy Saturday night, was a profound and joyous occasion that left a lasting impression on all who attended.

The Gathering of Light

Our celebration began outside the chapel as darkness fell. Father Michael lit the Paschal candle from a blazing fire, symbolizing the light of Christ coming into the world. As we processed into the dark chapel, the light spread from person to person, candle to candle, until the space was illuminated by a warm, flickering glow.

The Liturgy of the Word

In the candlelit chapel, we listened to a series of readings that traced salvation history from Creation through to the Resurrection. Members of our society had volunteered to read, and their voices rang out clear and strong, bringing ancient stories to life.

Between readings, we sang psalms and hymns, our voices joining together in celebration. The gradual illumination of the chapel, as lights were slowly turned on, mirrored our journey from darkness to light.

The Gloria and the Exsultet

When Father Michael intoned the Gloria, the chapel burst into light and sound. The bells that had been silent since Holy Thursday rang out, and our choir led us in a joyous rendition of the hymn. The Exsultet, the Easter Proclamation, followed – a beautiful chant that declared the triumph of Christ over death.

Renewal of Baptismal Promises

In a particularly moving moment, we all stood holding our lighted candles and renewed our baptismal promises. The sight of so many flames and the sound of voices united in faith was truly inspiring.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist

The Easter Vigil Mass then moved into the Liturgy of the Eucharist. There was a tangible sense of joy and gratitude as we celebrated Communion, reflecting on Christ's sacrifice and triumphant resurrection.

Welcoming New Members

This year, we were blessed to have two students from our university community receive the sacraments of initiation during the Easter Vigil. Sarah, a second-year student, was baptized, while Tom, a postgraduate, was received into full communion with the Church. It was a privilege to witness their journey of faith and to welcome them as full members of our Catholic family.

Celebration Continues

After the Mass, despite the late hour, our joy was too great to contain. We moved to the parish hall for a festive reception. Hot cross buns, Easter eggs, and even a lamb-shaped cake (baked by our resident star baker) were enjoyed as we celebrated together.

Reflection and Gratitude

As the night wound down and we began to disperse, there was a sense of deep gratitude – for the beauty of the liturgy, for our community, and for the profound mystery of Easter that we had just celebrated.

Many students shared how meaningful the experience had been:

  • "I've never felt so connected to the Easter story before," said Emma, a first-year student.
  • "The progression from darkness to light was so powerful," reflected James, one of our committee members.
  • Sarah, our newly baptized member, simply said, "I feel like I've come home."

Looking Forward

As we move into the Easter season and towards the end of the academic year, we carry with us the light and joy of this Easter Vigil. It has strengthened our faith, deepened our sense of community, and renewed our commitment to living out the message of Christ's resurrection in our daily lives.

To all who participated in this beautiful celebration – thank you. And to those who couldn't be with us, know that you were in our prayers. May the joy and hope of Easter remain with us all in the days and weeks to come.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!